2 thoughts on “Media

  1. I just wanted to let you know that apparently, my review made an impact on someone who was looking for a book to read. Call me silly, but these emails always make me feel good. You are a talented writer, and I’m glad that Cora Seton sent me your book.

    Dawn Yacovetta, a customer just told us your review was helpful to them while shopping on Amazon.
    Hooked (River’s Sigh B & B Book 2)
    5.0 out of 5 stars
    It was a beautiful gritty love story
    June 16, 2015
    You have published 185 reviews. Customers have found your reviews helpful 32 times.


  2. That’s so cool, Dawn! It makes me feel good for you–and for me, lol. Thank you so much for the wonderful review. I’m thrilled you enjoyed the read! 🙂


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