A Wise Decision?

Well, after a few back and forths (that actually included exporting this blog, importing into my website, then deleting it from said website), I’ve arrived at my final decision. I’m keeping Write Here, Write Now where it is. What can I say? I love the WordPress community, its help forums, and the fact that WordPress promotes your blog for you. Besides, I’m *neurotically loyal. I actually felt _sad_ about leaving my little niche here. Who spends too much time alone in her home office? Uh huh…. We have a winner!

Anyway, in other online news, I am LOVING (note the capitals, please) my new site. It’s very fun to play around on, and will be updated/added to regularly. If you’d like to check it out so far, visit www.evbishop.com.

*I’m not actually neurotically loyal. Pathetically is a much more apt descriptor! 😀

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